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St John's P.S Gilford


2023/2024 School Year

18th Oct 2023
Our School Councillors put on a very successful Halloween costume sale this morning,...
17th Oct 2023
The hall is set up and the councillors are ready for the Halloween Costume Sale tomorrow,...
16th Oct 2023
Today we held our termly fire drill to ensure we all know how to evacuate the building...
12th Oct 2023
The Eco Committee consists of members from P4-P7. These pupils are responsible for...
11th Oct 2023
On Wednesday Primary 6/7 participated in Eco School’s ‘Fast Fashion Workshop’....
5th Oct 2023
We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to our past pupil Clare Keeley for...
2nd Oct 2023
Well done to all the boys and girls who put themselves forward for our school choir...
28th Sep 2023
Huge congratulations to the following pupils for being elected onto the School Council...
27th Sep 2023
We are delighted to welcome back coach Rian Mc Caul from AB Coaching again this year....