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St John's P.S Gilford

Internet Safety Day 2022

10th Feb 2022

 This week pupils in St John's engaged in lots of activities around internet safety. In P3/4 they discussed how to stay safe on the internet and listened to the story of Buddy the Dog. Everyone came up with five rules about staying safe when using the internet.

Remember to Be SMART:

Stay Safe: Never give your name, address or passwords out to anyone online. They may say they are the same age as you but they could be lying!

Meet: Never go to meet someone you have made friends with online. If an online friend wants to see you, talk to an adult. Remember that they might not be who they say they are!

Accepting: If someone sends you a photo, or a file, ask an adult before you open it. It could have a virus! Don’t accept it!

Reliable: Remember that you can’t trust everyone who uses the Internet. Not everyone is kind. They aren’t reliable.

Tell: Tell an adult if something online upsets you or makes you worried.