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St John's P.S Gilford

**School Motto Competition**

13th Jun 2024

As we move closer to the end of this school year, I am excited to share this wonderful update with you all.

**School Motto Competition**

We are thrilled to announce a new competition and we need our pupils help to create a School Motto that best represents the spirit of St. John's! This activity encourages our children's creativity and helps instill a sense of belonging and pride in their school. The winning motto will be shared during Assembly at the end of term.

This new motto will feed into our new School Development Plan for 2024-25. Ideally, it should be a short, catchy motto/slogan which sums up the core values and identity of who we are/what we do/what we stand for in St. John's in order to provide motivation and inspiration to everyone in our school community. From this, we will then revisit and revise our vision and ethos which is central to our school.

Pupils are asked to submit their entries by Wed 19th June, after which we will narrow them down to our 3 favourite/most relevant in summing us up. These will then be put out to a public vote to select one overall winner. The winning entry will be adopted as our new school motto in the 2024-25 year. There will be a prize for the top 3 successful entries.

To enter, please write your motto on a sheet of paper with your name and class. This should be handed to the class teacher on or before Wed 17th.

We can't wait to see what our talented boys and girls come up with!