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School Watch Scheme
Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and PSNI are working in partnership with local schools to establish School Watch areas.
If you see anything unusual or suspicious at St. John's P.S please contact your local police station on 101 or if it is an emergency, call 999.
You can help our school save money which can be used for school resources rather than replacing stolen or damaged property!
Mr Battersby and some of the P7 pupils helped to distribute information leaflets to residents living near our school.
School Watch signs will also be erected near the school to help deter criminals entering school grounds.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
St John's Primary School, 42A Castle Hill, Gilford, Craigavon, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT63 6HH | Telephone: 028 3883 1555