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St John's P.S Gilford

Eco Schools 2022-23

The Eco Committee consists of members from P4-P7. These pupils are responsible for recycling, reducing waste and saving energy. Please help your Eco members to make St.John's an Eco friendly place to learn and work in. 

Our Eco Committee members for this year are:

P4 - Araylia & Cathal

P5 - Lily & Cole

P6 - Summer & Oscar

P7 - Aoife & Charlie 

Roles and Responsibilities for 2022/2023 Eco Committee

Chairperson - 

Vice Chairperson - 

Minutes Secretary - 

Energy Monitors - 

Recycling Monitors - 


School Eco Code

Encourage everyone to recycle.

Care for our planet by recycling your waste.

Our school needs your help.

Collect all your food waste and put it in the compost bin.

Open a door – shut it.

Don’t drop your litter.

Ensure everybody switches off the lights before they leave a room.



26th Jun 2024
Green Flag Award We were delighted to receive the news recently that our school has...
18th Jun 2024
The children in P6/7 received 'Super Scientist' certificates for collecting and reporting...
2nd May 2024
P2/3 enjoyed their outdoor art class. They were busy using their senses to discover...
29th Apr 2024
A huge well done and thank you to Miss McCarthy’s P.6/7 class for their very...
24th Apr 2024
On behalf of our Eco Committee we would like to thank everyone for their support...
23rd Apr 2024
In St. John's we have been celebrating 'Earth Week' by participating in a range of...
26th Mar 2024
The boys and girls in P.6/7 have really enjoyed taking part in the Spring Bulb Schools...
26th Mar 2024
A big congratulations to all the children in our school who made an excellent effort...