School Meal Information
School meals are provided and dinner money must be paid via EZPayments at the beginning of each week. Please note, pupils will not be permitted to attend for dinner on the Monday unless all payments owing from the previous week have been made in full.
Dinners are £2.60 per day as of 1st September 2018.
Forms are available online for those who wish to apply for financial assistance with school meals and uniforms. Please see link below:
If your child has a dietary problem please let the school know.
Children may take a packed lunch. The use of glass bottles, however, is not allowed.
If giving children fruit for break or lunch that needs cut or peeled eg. oranges, it would be helpful to have it already prepared and packed in a little carton or food bag before coming to school.
Please remember St. John's is a 'NUT FREE' zone.
St John's Primary School, 42A Castle Hill, Gilford, Craigavon, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT63 6HH | Telephone: 028 3883 1555