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2017/2018 School Year
1st Jun 2018
Friday 1 st June marked our annual Sports Day. What a glorious day it turned out...
31st May 2018
Weather permitting, we are planning to hold our Sports' Day on Friday 1st June....
30th May 2018
On Wednesday 30th May Sr. Mercedes facilitated a retreat for Primary...
30th May 2018
Congratulations to our wonderful stars for the month of May. Well done!
24th May 2018
On Wednesday 16 th May Primary 1 and Primary 2 met up with their friends from...
23rd May 2018
On Wednesday 23rd May P3 and P4 pupils from Seagoe PS came to St. John's for a morning...
21st May 2018
On Monday 21st May St. John's took part in the annual Small Schools' Swimming Gala...
16th May 2018
Well done to the pupils who represented St. John's in the Christian Aid 5 a-side...
15th May 2018
We like to celebrate the success of our pupils. Well done to those children who...
15th May 2018
On Monday 14th May Primary One presented their whole school assembly. The theme...
St John's Primary School, 42A Castle Hill, Gilford, Craigavon, Co Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT63 6HH | Telephone: 028 3883 1555