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St John's P.S Gilford

Friday 16th November

15th Nov 2018

To end our Anti-Bullying Week, we are asking all children to come to school on Friday wearing odd socks. This is to illustrate the importance of diversity and respecting others, despite our differences.imageIn order to celebrate our recent success at Banbridge Speech and Drama Feis, we are also asking that all prizewinners bring their medals and certificates to school tomorrow as a photograph will be taken of all the participants, as well as the prizewinners. Well done to everyone that took part, we are extremely proud of you regardless of the outcome!

A reminder too that Friday 16th November, is the deadline for returning Panto notes and money. We have to confirm numbers and send our payment on Monday to the Marketplace.

One final reminder is that the flu vaccine will be given on Friday 16th by the school nurse to those children whose parents have given consent.