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St John's P.S Gilford

P.7 Leavers’ Service & Prize-Giving 2024

20th Jun 2024

On Thurs, 20th June, we bid a fond farewell to the P.7’s at the annual Leavers’ Service. Emotions were high but the children did themselves, their families & teachers proud as they sang, read and played the tin whistle at the service. This was followed by the annual prize-giving, where awards were presented in acknowledgement of the children’s achievements. A special presentation of a plaque for everyone along with a framed photo of memories was also given to each pupil before some photos from down through the year's were shared in a touching slideshow.

The children very kindly made a special presentation of flowers to Miss McCarthy, Mrs Lavery & Mrs Lyness.

Many thanks to Miss McCarthy, Mrs Power, Mrs Lavery and all the staff for their assistance in preparing the children, decorating the hall and organising the leavers gifts. 

Goodbye Primary Seven, Good Luck & God Bless!

This years awards went to:

  • Best Boy Athlete - Jake
  • Best Girl Athlete - Summer
  • Music Award - Aine
  • Attendance Award - Odhrán
  • Merit Award - Lara
  • Contribution to School Life - Orlagh