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St John's P.S Gilford

News - Eco Schools

2021/2022 School Year

22nd Mar 2022
As part of learning about the importance of saving water and reducing our water usage...
15th Mar 2022
The ECO Committee have been busy planting. Each class received a plant to take care...
15th Mar 2022
P7 STEM Workshop Primary 7 pupils had a visit from Mr James Connor from Sentinus...
11th Mar 2022
Many thanks to everyone for their overwhelming generosity in donating items for our...
4th Mar 2022
Today at our joint School Council & Eco Committee meeting, it was discussed how...
1st Mar 2022
The Eco Committee were very busy making pancakes to sell as part of Fairtrade Fortnight....
28th Feb 2022
To conclude their WAU topic on ‘Birds’ Primary Three/Four were delighted...
21st Feb 2022
Fairtrade Fortnight Thank you to Hannah from the Fairtrade Foundation for chatting...
3rd Feb 2022
As part of their WAU topic on ‘Birds’, P.3/4 had a great time making...
28th Jan 2022
Today P3/4 were delighted to participate in the annual RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch....